Impact of Using a Constructivism Strategy to Enhance EFL University Students' Writing Skills

  • Shoaib Saeed Fahady


This research investigates writing skills needed for EFL students and the effectiveness of mind-map strategy in improving students’ writing skills. The sample of the research consists of 80 male and female second-year students from the Department of English /College of Education for Humani- ties / University of Mosul for the Academic year 2018/2019. The sample was divided between two groups; experimental and control; 40 students each. The researcher prepared a list of EFL writing skills and posttest in writing. A set of activities was also designed by the researcher to train students by using two constructivism strategies; viz. Problem solving and mind-mapping. The results show the effectiveness of mind- mapping in developing writing skills for college level students. In the light of the findings, number of recommendations was set

Biografía del autor/a

Shoaib Saeed Fahady
College of Education for Humanities University of Mosul


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Cómo citar
Saeed Fahady, S. (2019). Impact of Using a Constructivism Strategy to Enhance EFL University Students’ Writing Skills. Opción, 35, 28. Recuperado a partir de