Arbovirus studies of bats from Zulia state: serological survey for Venezuelan, eastern and western encephalitis virus antibodies, february 1976

  • Robert Dickerman Cornell University Medical College, New York-Estados Unidos
  • Slavia Ryder Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela
  • Mary Martin Cornell University Medical College, New York-Estados Unidos


One hundred and forty five bats of 13 species collected during February 1916 at three sites in the State of Zulía, Venezuela, were negative for hemagglutination-inhibition (H 1) and neutralization antibodies to Venezuela n encephalitis virus. One hundred and thirty seven of these were also negative for H I antibodies to both Eastern and Western encephalitis viruses. Due to small series for most specíes in the sample, negative results are difficult to interpret.


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Cómo citar
Dickerman, R., Ryder, S., & Martin, M. (2013). Arbovirus studies of bats from Zulia state: serological survey for Venezuelan, eastern and western encephalitis virus antibodies, february 1976. Investigación Clínica, 18(1). Recuperado a partir de