Sectoral analysis and critical challenges in the social sphere of Ukraine

Keywords: social sphere, sectors of the social sphere, vulnerable sectors of the population, challenges of the social sphere, internally displaced persons


The objective of this article is to analyze the challenges faced by the social sphere in its various sectors. To this end, several research methods were employed, such as sectoral analysis, deduction, generalization, and systematization. As a result, the specific challenges in each area of the social sphere in Ukraine were examined: cultural and educational complex: faces difficulties related to insufficient funding, especially in a context of budgetary constraints due to defense needs. Medical and health complex: Specialist shortages and staffing problems are a consequence of both internal and external migration, exacerbated by large-scale invasion. Social and welfare complex: The protracted war has led to the growth of vulnerable categories of the population, including wounded soldiers and civilians, internally displaced persons and the unemployed. Social and labour relations system: destruction and damage to infrastructure and facilities also require urgent attention. All these current challenges in the social sphere demand greater consideration and efforts to address them.


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How to Cite
Lopushniak, H., Verkhovod, I., Pospielova, T., Marukhlenko, O., & Mykhatska, A. (2024). Sectoral analysis and critical challenges in the social sphere of Ukraine. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 15(1), 226-238.