Social security regulations for the elderly in Vietnam: status and recommendations

Keywords: social security, the elderly in Vietnam, aging population in Vietnam, elderly persons, social care of the elderly


The population of elderly people has been increasing all over the world. This is a direct result of improved health care and increased life expectancy. Also, a falling fertility rate has led to a rapidly aging population. Viet Nam is no exception to this prevailing trend. This article looks at the social security of the elderly in Vietnam. It looks at how the government of Vietnam has been dealing with issues regarding the welfare of elderly persons. It has been established that the government of Viet Nam has been working on the issues of the elderly, including social assistance. Also, Viet Nam has specific laws that deal with issues regarding the elderly. Moreover, the government of Viet Nam is facing budgetary challenges regarding caring for its elderly citizens. This is because the population of Viet Nam is aging rapidly. Demographic data shows that Viet Nam has one of the fastest aging populations in the world. government statistics show that the number of elderly persons has been rising very fast against a backdrop of a developing economy. Older adults also face many challenges, including extreme poverty, access to healthcare, and even loneliness when they have no family.


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Author Biography

Quoc Khanh Lai, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Assoc. Professor, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam.


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How to Cite
Lai, Q. K. (2024). Social security regulations for the elderly in Vietnam: status and recommendations. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 15(1), 4-19.