Value strategies of families in the North Caucasus under the conditions of socio-psychological instability of the society

Keywords: values, coping strategies, family as a social institution, societal instability, cultural security


The social and psychological instability of society brings to life the problem of choosing value strategies of the family as a social institution, expands the scope of analysis of the types of values in upbringing, and increases the variability of ways and forms of the family's adaptation in the current realities. The goal of the study was to analyze the value strategies of families in the North Caucasus under socio-psychological instability in society. The research is conducted in the theoretical framework of the socio-cultural approach and M. Rokeach’s value approach, utilizing the method of comparative analysis. The study involves a sociological survey in the form of in-depth interviews. The study demonstrates persistent anxiety among parents in all types of families concerning the large role of the Internet in children's lives. The cultural security of the family is believed by parents to lie in preserving the norms and values of traditions and religious norms, despite recognizing the need to integrate into the changing world. The child's gender identity within the sociocultural paradigm is a resource for parents' coping strategies in the context of postmodernity, where the main risks of the influence of global values are seen by parents in the display of identities.


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Author Biographies

Lidiya Kurbanova, Universidad Estatal de Chechenia, Grozny, Rusia.

Profesor, Doctor en Ciencias Sociológicas, Universidad Estatal de Chechenia, Grozny, Rusia.

Elena Malysheva , Universidad Estatal de Adygea, Maykop, Rusia.

Profesor, Doctor en Ciencias Históricas, Universidad Estatal de Adygea, Maykop, Rusia.


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How to Cite
Kurbanova, L., & Malysheva , E. (2024). Value strategies of families in the North Caucasus under the conditions of socio-psychological instability of the society. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 14(3), 674-691.