Special criminological measures to prevent threats or violence against law enforcement officers
The study is devoted to the peculiarities of application of special criminological measures to prevent threats or violence against law enforcement officers. It is emphasized that the issue of physical, psychological and moral security of law enforcement officers, whose professional activities are almost always associated with a risk to health and life, is rightly considered in the broad context of social (or socio-legal) security. The author provides a list of measures which should be applied to improve the level of professional education and training of law enforcement officers with a view to forming professionals with appropriate legal awareness and legal and professional culture, official discipline and lawful behavior. It is noted that the safety of law enforcement officers should be given no less attention than health and combat training. It is argued that with the help of operational criminological research, it is possible not only to accelerate the acquisition of objective knowledge about the dynamic trends of crime, but also to better understand the nature of criminal phenomena and processes, the immediate causes and conditions
of their origin and development.
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