Impact of corporate culture on the commitment of employees working in small and medium enterprise in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Keywords: Corporate culture, commitment, enterprises, Mekong Delta


In the context of increasingly obvious competition between businesses today, building and promoting the positive effects of corporate culture in order to develop human resources as well as retain good employees is considered one of the priorities that businesses should carry out. To clarify the impact of corporate culture on the commitment of employees working in small and medium-sized enterprises in the Mekong Delta, the study conducted a survey of 228 employees of small and medium-sized enterprises. The author conducted the research through two phases: qualitative research and quantitative research. Besides, the data analysis method selected by the author (1) descriptive statistics analysis; (2) evaluate the reliability of the scale with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient; (3) correlation analysis; (4) test the mean difference (5) analyze multiple regression model. The results of the analysis show that a culture that encourages innovation and teamwork, promotes standards and social responsibility has a positive impact on employee engagement. The article has contributed theoretically by providing more empirical evidence on the role of corporate culture in improving employee engagement in small and medium enterprises. In addition, some important management implications are suggested for small and medium-sized enterprises in building corporate culture towards improving employee commitment.


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Author Biography

Nguyen Giac Tri, Faculty of Economics, Dong Thap University, Vietnam.

PhD in Economic, Faculty of Economics, Dong Thap University, Vietnam.


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How to Cite
Giac Tri, N. (2023). Impact of corporate culture on the commitment of employees working in small and medium enterprise in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 13(2), 269-288.