Edgar Morin, Hugo Zemelman and Matthew Lipman: towards a pertinent proposal in terms of university teaching

Keywords: university teaching, critical-reflexive skills, knowledge construction, reasoning, meaningful dialogue


Currently, the teaching and learning processes experience challenging situations that demand the renewal of their practices, conventions and actions, in an attempt to increase the possibilities of significant appropriation of new knowledge; in the case of those who participate in university education, the requirements are even more demanding, prioritizing the development of critical-reflexive and analytical skills that allow access to the complex frameworks of knowledge produced by academic communities. In view of the above, this research as a result of a documentary review, integrates the contributions of the authors: Edgar Morin, Hugo Zemelman and Matthew Lipman, around a pertinent proposal in the field of university teaching; trying to show the tangential referents that allow expanding the possibilities to accompany the student in the training process for lifelong learning. In conclusion, the exercise of university teaching with relevance suggests privileging the promotion of higher thinking skills that allow meaningful access to the various theoretical-methodological positions that contribute to scientific knowledge, requirement that involves actions around cognitive empowerment that favors dialogue, recurring questions, deepening knowledge and resignification, as mental operations in which epistemic action finds support, as the tangential axis of teaching processes and learning.


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Author Biography

Jesús Alfredo Morales Carrero, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela.

Politólogo y Docente de Psicología General y Orientación Educativa. Investigador Socioeducativo Emérito Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela.


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Morín, E. (2009). Introducción al pensamiento complejo. México: Editorial Gedisa.

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How to Cite
Morales Carrero, J. A. (2023). Edgar Morin, Hugo Zemelman and Matthew Lipman: towards a pertinent proposal in terms of university teaching. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 14(1), 88-104. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8319573