Socializing the civil liability of a medical organization for causing harm to health

Keywords: individual civil liability, the socialization of civil liability, offender, harm to health, guilt


For many centuries, civil liability in the Romano-Germanic system of law was based on the principle of individual liability, according to which a cause-and-effect relationship between a delinquent and the damage done must be established, as well as on the principle of guilt of an offender. At the same time, the development of science and technology, including medicine, determines the onset of harm delayed for a long time and the harm caused to descendants, implying the implicit guilt of the delinquent. Under these conditions, it is necessary to discuss the socialization of the basic principles of the offender responsibility. The topic is disclosed using general scientific methods (systemic, theoretical, and historical analysis) and special scientific methods (comparative law, logical, technical, and legal analysis, specification, and interpretation). The study aims at identifying the theoretical and practical nature of bringing pharmaceutical companies and organizations using new genetic technologies to responsibility for the harm to health they caused. It is also necessary to explore the possible socialization of civil liability for harm to health. The article considers some principles of individual civil liability for the harm caused to human health by pharmaceuticals and genetic technologies. It is concluded the principles of bringing responsibility for harm to health should be changed, considering the socialization of such responsibility


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Author Biographies

Yury Alexandrovich Svirin, Universidad Estatal Rusa de Justicia, Moscú, Rusia.

Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas, Profesor de la Universidad Estatal Rusa de Justicia (RLA del Ministerio de Justicia de Rusia), Moscú, Rusia. Abogado honorario de Rusia. Miembro de la Academia de Ciencias Naturales, Moscú, Rusia.

Alla Andreevna Neznamova, Universidad Estatal de Gestión, Moscú, Rusia.

PhD en Derecho, Profesor Asociado, Academia de Trabajo y Relaciones Sociales, Moscú, Rusia; Profesor Asociado, Universidad Estatal de Gestión, Moscú, Rusia.

Vitaliy Anatolevich Malcev, Universidad Rusa de Transporte (MIIT), Moscú, Rusia

PhD en Derecho, Profesor Asociado, jefe del Departamento "Teoría del Derecho, Derecho Civil y Procesal Civil" del Instituto de Derecho de la Universidad Rusa de Transporte (MIIT), Moscú, Rusia

Vladislav Petrovich Sorokin, Academia Rusa de Economía Nacional y Administración Pública bajo la Presidencia de la Federación Rusa, Moscú, Rusia.

PhD en Derecho, Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Apoyo Jurídico a la Economía de Mercado de la "Escuela Superior de Derecho" de la Facultad de Administración Estatal y Municipal de la Academia Rusa de Economía Nacional y Administración Pública bajo la Presidencia de la Federación Rusa, Moscú, Rusia.

Eduard Eduardovich Artyukhov, Fiscalía de San Petersburgo, Rusia.

Primer adjunto jubilado del Fiscal de San Petersburgo, Rusia.


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How to Cite
Svirin, Y. A., Neznamova, A. A., Malcev, V. A., Sorokin, V. P., & Artyukhov, E. E. (2023). Socializing the civil liability of a medical organization for causing harm to health. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 13(2), 192-202.