Legal and social implications of establishing paternity
Legal and social implications of establishing paternity
The establishment of paternity and maternity is not only of great legal importance, but also of great social importance. However, to date, there are gaps in Russian legislation in the legal regulation of the establishment of paternity and, in some cases, maternity. Some unresolved issues related to the origin of the child are resolved within the framework of the legal positions of various judicial instances, which further diversifies the various points of view on these issues since judicial practice is not homogeneous. The purpose of the study was to identify the problems of legal regulation of children’s origin, the establishment of paternity and maternity, and to investigate historical sources and judicial practice on the above issues. The topic was studied from the position of general scientific methods of cognition (systematic, theoretical, and historical analysis) and private scientific methods, such as comparative jurisprudence, logical, technical, and legal analysis, concretization, and interpretation. The history of the institution of paternity has been analyzed; the Russian legislation regulating the issues of children’s origin and the legal aspect of establishing paternity and maternity have been studied, as well as judicial practice. According to the results obtained, the authors have formulated doctrinal positions on this issue.
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