Cooperation of training individuals as a methodological basis for enriching the experience of social interaction in young students
Globalization processes (a dramatic increase in communications and integration processes) have exacerbated the problems of interaction between large and small social and biosocial systems. The problem of finding new platforms and ways to cooperate and build dialogue has become more acute. The habitus of the youth of consumer society is saturated with the spirit of individualism, competition, and the power of money and does not match the scale of the emerging problems of social integration and sustainable development. Student youth does not have the experience of solving these problems. The goal of the study is to establish the pedagogical tools for preparing youth for social interaction in the changing world. Fundamental to the study is the system-dialectical approach, which provides a theoretical model of an individual's experience of social interaction and the process of its enrichment relying on interdisciplinary scientific knowledge. The paper reports the results of a comparative analysis of the essential features of the concepts of social interaction and experience in philosophical, sociological, psychological, and pedagogical discourse, reflecting their genesis and functions in the context of the research problem. Integration of ideas of the theory of Interaction of subjects in their social relations and the theory of cooperativism, “the art of living together”, allow to overcome methodological dissociation of the interdisciplinary object of research, clarify the definition of students’ experience of social interaction, and develop the technology of its pedagogical enrichment, the content and stages of which are presented in the article.
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