Socio-psychological factors affecting professional burnout among social workers

  • Irina Aleksandrovna Zaitseva Universidad Estatal de Bunin Yelets, Rusia
  • Alexander Yevgenyevich Krikunov Universidad Estatal de Bunin Yelets, Rusia
Keywords: social worker burnout stress professional activity


The aim of the article is to establish the level of professional burnout and assess it in the context of social-professional characteristics of social workers in Russia. The quantitative characteristics of the studied problem are examined using the survey method in the form of formalized questionnaires and testing. The authors proceed from the notion that the profession of a social worker, which presupposes direct contact with people in difficult life situations, is clearly one of the jobs that are the most conducive to the development of professional burnout syndrome and is viewed by society as such. Low pay grade combined with severe emotional load serve as factors contributing to the professional disorganization of a worker. It is found that in the specific conditions of Russia, the general characteristics of social workers assume not only a desire to continue professional activity within the chosen specialty but also a relatively low percentage of people, in whom a high degree of professional burnout can be found


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Author Biographies

Irina Aleksandrovna Zaitseva , Universidad Estatal de Bunin Yelets, Rusia

Candidato a Ciencias Políticas, jefe del Departamento de Filosofía y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Estatal de Bunin Yelets, Rusia

Alexander Yevgenyevich Krikunov , Universidad Estatal de Bunin Yelets, Rusia

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesor del Departamento de Filosofía y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Estatal de Bunin Yelets, Rusia


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How to Cite
Aleksandrovna Zaitseva , I., & Yevgenyevich Krikunov , A. (2022). Socio-psychological factors affecting professional burnout among social workers. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 12(2), 136-149.