Management and higher education from the perspective of neuroscience

Keywords: management higher education approaches neuroscience changes


In the society of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, management is framed by new approaches, one of which is neuroscience, considered a set of disciplines that can be developed in higher education institutions, as it is the training space par excellence for future professionals, so that management and higher education are analyzed from the perspective of neuroscience. The postulates of Schwab (2016), Echeverría and Martinez (2018), Braidot (2013), among others, who support the categories, are considered as theoretical foundations. A qualitative research was carried out with an interpretative paradigm and ethnographic method, assuming as key informants’ professors from different universities in Maracaibo, Venezuela, who, through an in-depth interview, presented their opinions interpreting them to obtain a decisive position before the reality studied. The findings were obtained that the professors are aware of the need to transform university classrooms and the contents related to management, characterizing it with themes such as neuroleadership, neurotalento, neuroeducation, neuromanagment, among other disciplines that are inserted in the requirements of society to develop the cognitive processes of these professionals to analyze, relate, interpret and decide about the processes of change in the organization.


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Author Biography

Pedro Luis Bracho Fuenmayor, Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile.

Académico de Derecho Penal, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Universidad de Tarapacá. Socio activo del Instituto de Ciencias Penales de Chile. Miembro oficial del Círculo Telemático de Derecho Penal


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How to Cite
Bracho Fuenmayor, P. L. (2022). Management and higher education from the perspective of neuroscience. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 12(2), 100-121.