Methodological approaches to assessing the differentiation of indicators of the functioning of the social service system
On the basis of statistical data analysis and content analysis the paper researches the causes and studies the factors of differentiation of the parameters of the functioning of the social service system and its individual subsystems. To study the factors that determine the differentiation of financial costs of stationary social service organizations, it is necessary to put forward a working hypothesis. The working hypothesis is that the level of CCA costs is determined to a large extent by the type of organization and, therefore, the regional structure of the CCA affects the differentiation of financial costs. To test the hypothesis, it is necessary to analyze the average costs by types of stationary social service organizations and assess the reliability of their differences. As a result of empirical verification of methodological provisions, it is shown that the differentiation of financial costs of stationary social service organizations is 62.2%. At the same time, interregional differentiation is 25.6%, and intraregional 36.6%.
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