Productivity In Higher Education Institutions Within Digitalization
This study is aimed at determining the teachers’ productivity in the context of digitalization of education and the implementation of digital technologies in the process of higher educational institutions work. The author underlines several factors that affect the teachers’ productivity: organizational and economic, material and technical factors, scientific and innovative, social factors. The sample size of this study is 91 teachers, associate professors, assistants, young teachers, and professors included. The obtained results show that the process of digitalization of education provides teachers with the opportunity to increase labor productivity by more than 47%, since innovative technologies save time for preparing for classes and reduce labor intensity. But the presence of computer illiteracy among some employees reduces labor productivity by 10%, and labor intensity increases by 30%, therefore, improving computer literacy and refresher courses take up most of the teachers' time that they could spend on work. It is concluded that the development of digitalization in education in general has a positive effect on the efficiency of teachers' work, but it also has negative aspects, therefore, some recommendations were given by the author in order to improve this process
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