Socio-Cultural Competence Development Within University Course

  • Rafina Rafkatovna Zakieva Universidad Estatal de Ingeniería Eléctrica de Kazán,Rusia
  • Svetlana Mikhailovna Kayugina Universidad Agrícola Estatal del Norte, Rusia
  • Svetlana V. Khoruzhaya Universidad Agraria Estatal de Kuban, Rusia
  • Vladimir Gavrilevich Torgovkin Universidad Federal del Noreste. M.K. Rusia
Keywords: socio-cultural competence, formation, criteria, linguistic and cultural text


The article deals with the problem of engineering students’ socio-cultural competence formation. Based on the analysis of pedagogical, methodological, linguistic literature, the author identifies the criteria for the linguistic and cultural texts selection, which are the methodical and methodological basis for students’ socio-cultural competence formation: content, authenticity, thematicity, information content, aesthetic, linguistic criteria: vocabulary, grammar and stylistics. This article presents findings on a system of exercises based on linguistic and cultural educational learning, as a means of socio-cultural competence formation. It is reported that this system of exercises was introduced into the educational process of students of Kazan State Power Engineering University in the study of the discipline "Foreign language"; "Business foreign language" in 2016-2019. The reported findings made it possible to implement general pedagogical principles - the principles of fundamental and applied orientation, reflecting the features of students’ socio-cultural competence forming within the process of foreign language teaching, as well as to provide students with the availability of educational material, its assimilation strength, the gradual increase in difficulties and the cognitive capabilities development.


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Author Biographies

Rafina Rafkatovna Zakieva, Universidad Estatal de Ingeniería Eléctrica de Kazán,Rusia

Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Russia. Department of Industrial electronics and lighting engineering,Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor

Svetlana Mikhailovna Kayugina, Universidad Agrícola Estatal del Norte, Rusia

Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University,Russian Federation, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,Senior Lecturer

Svetlana V. Khoruzhaya, Universidad Agraria Estatal de Kuban, Rusia

Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Russia,Department of history and political science

Vladimir Gavrilevich Torgovkin , Universidad Federal del Noreste. M.K. Rusia

North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov,Russian Federation, Department of Mas-Wrestling and National Sports, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associated Professor,


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How to Cite
Rafkatovna Zakieva, R., Mikhailovna Kayugina, S., Khoruzhaya, S. V., & Gavrilevich Torgovkin , V. (2021). Socio-Cultural Competence Development Within University Course. Interacción Y Perspectiva, 11(2), 141-153. Retrieved from