About the Journal

Standards of the Journal

Scope and Policy Interaction and

Perspective. Journal of Social work. Is a biannual journal published by the faculty of legal and political sciences of the Universidad del Zulia which allows the total or partial reproduction of the articles respecting standards of intellectual property with the condition of credits recognizing and the authorship.The content of the articles is the sole responsibility of the authors. The published manuscripts are original in Spanish, with summary in languages English and Spanish.

Form and preparation of the articles Normas para los autores

I. Standards for the Authors

b. Interaction and perspective. Journal of Social work belonging to the faculty of legal and political sciences will consider for publications original and unpublished research that have not been proposed simultaneously to other journals and whose purpose is to contribute to the knowledge in the area of Social work in any of their areas of action or in the field of social sciences or interdisciplinary nature in that area. Interdisciplinary is an achievement of the Journal.

c. The articles must be transliterated in Microsoft word office 2003 or a superior one, or Open office writer. A copy via electronic mail must be sent to the Publisher Committee of the journal at the following address: interaccionyperspectivarts@gmail.com. The proposals which the Publisher Committee consider potentially appropriate for publication shall be submitted to arbitration double blind, internal or external, by specialists in the theme. The comments in this regard should be submitted to the authors along with any suggestion of the Editorial Committee of the journal.

d. Interaction and perspective. Journal of Social work, considers the following types of publishable manuscripts:

a. Research article: report, final or partial of original findings, research product. In the case of research articles. The text must have the following structure: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.

b. Article of essay: containing document of the product of a research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author about a specific theme with the help of original sources issues

c. Ex-libris : Chapters of books, or complete books. In the second case, the publication will be held for chapters or sections.

d. Drafts of theses (Pre-prints): Documents not published by any means of originals research e. Case report: study on a particular situation in order to know experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a commented systematic review of the literature about analogues cases.

f. Bibliographic notice: comments not refereed about books and magazines specialized.

g. Biographical sketch: Aims to describe the academic and social relevance of personalities (who and how is), related to Social work in particular and the social sciences in general.

e. The reception of articles will take place throughout the year.

f. Normas standards:

a. On the first page only displayed the title of the research, which must be explicit and pick up the essence of the work. The second page must include: the title of the work in Spanish and English, the media, or short title (no more than 60 characters with spaces), names and surnames of the author or authors and their academic or professional affiliations. The Affiliation will indicate the name of the institution, city, country, phone contact, fax, postal address and e-mail. The third page will include a summary of the work in Spanish and English, not exceeding 250 words, language indicating five key words, in both languages, which best represent the content of the article. It is recommended the specialist advice for the drafting of the summary in English. At the end of the main text, acknowledgements (names and institutional affiliation) and financing (financial institution and number of funding) shall be entered.

b. The expansion of articles, versions of thesis, and case reports these will range between 10 and 40 pages (including titles, abstracts, references, figures, tables, appendices and illustrations). They must be written in Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced, with margins of 3 cm and numbering in the upper right.

c. Figures, tables and illustrations must be submitted on separate sheets, indicating precisely the place where should be inserted in the text and the page, or if they should be included as annexes to the research. They should be numbered consecutively, have a descriptive title and be cited in the text. Abbreviations and symbols must be explained at the footnote in the table. Mathematical symbols must be clear and legible. The subscripts and superscripts should be correctly positioned.

d. The headings of each section will be written in bold letters at the left and lowercase.

e. The cited bibliography must retain the style Author-Date inserted in the text, for example: (González, 2004.) When the reference is made textually, the number of the page where it was taken must be written immediately after the date, separated by a colon (González, 2004:24) or, if it include several pages (González, 2004:24-25) in the case of several authors (González et al., 2004:24) It not covered by these rules, shall be guided by the standards reference style APA.

f. Cited bibliography at the end of the text: The bibliography cited at the end of the text must be confined to sources cited in the work and avoid references to unpublished works and textual and unnecessary quotes. It will be sorted alphabetically according to the surname of the authors. If you register several publications of the same author, these are ordered chronologically, i.e., in the order they were published. When the same author has more than one publication in the same year, remains the chronological order, unlike the references of this year using letters (1996a). In any case the references must be registered presenting the important information neatly in the following way:

- Books: Surnames, names,year of publication in parentheses, title, place of publication, publisher, pages. (Castellano, Ana M. (2007) Planificación popular y diálogo de saberes. Maracaibo. Ediciones del Vice Rectorado Académico. Universidad del Zulia. pp. 166).

- Book Chapters: Surname, name, publication year in parentheses, the title of the chapter in inverted commas, surname of the editor or compiler, names of the editor or compiler, title of the book, place of publication, Publisher. (León U., José. (2010). “Salud y participación popular: hacia una ciudadanía plena”. En Lévy, J. & Malo, M. De la participación en salud a la construcción del poder popular: Experiencias para el debate. Maracay: IAES pp.

- Periodic journals: Surnames, names, year in parentheses, title in inverted commas, name of the journal, volume, number, place of publication, pages that include the article. (Pereira Jardim, Lourdes (2008). "Teoría Social y concepción del trabajo: Una mirada a los teóricos del siglo XIX". Gaceta Laboral. Vol. 14, No. 1. Maracaibo, Venezuela. pp. 81-101).

- Personal Comunications: Esqueda-Torres, Luis S: personal comunication. - Not published results: Sánchez, Ligia M.: not published results

- Congress memories: Morales, Osiris: Programa de prevención integral en drogas como estrategia de intervención en las comunidades. pp. 99. Congreso de Trabajo Social

–II Internacional y IV Nacional-. Maracaibo, Venezuela, 2000

- In case of using sources on the Internet, you should mention the author, web page, day, month, and the year wich consultation was made. Hernández, Daniel R. La blogósfera cuenta con más de 60 mil blogs locales. En: http://www.eluniversal.com/2008/01/25/ccs_art_lablogosfera-cuenta_686549.shtml. Consultation date: 04/02/09

g. Annexes: The complementary but esential material for the research it will be collected in this section and will be placed at the end of the text, after the bibliography. They must be identified with a letter and a title. 17-30) II. Instructions for evaluators

1. The following aspects will be considered: relevance of the research for the specialty journal, adequacy of the title, short title, summary and key words, knowledge of the subject, novelty of the contribution to the field of research/knowledge, consistency of speech, writing and style, structure content, methodological relevance, presentation of conclusions and recommendations, according to the editorial of the journal regulations, accordance to the rules of quotes, and charts and graphs. A score of four points (excellent, good, Regular and deficient), will be used , the reviewer must justify the qualification granted in each of the items appearing on the corresponding form. The specialist shall issue its opinion in a period of fortyfive (45) days. 2. As a result of the evaluations it will take one of the following decisions about the research:

- Acceptance with minor modifications, on the understanding that the manuscript should be adjusted according to observations of the reviewers.

- Acceptance with substantial modifications, and the author shall have a maximum period of three (3) months to carry out the corrections suggested by experts.

- The research is declared not publishable, without an option to resend a new version In any case, the arbitrator's decision must be substantiated and explain clearly the observations and suggestions it deems appropriate, which will be forwarded to the author or authors.


The "Interacción y Perspectiva: Revista de Trabajo Social" journal of the University of Zulia is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards at all stages of the publication process. Our ethical statement is based on the fundamental principles of integrity, transparency, impartiality, and responsibility, with the aim of promoting academic excellence and preserving the trust of our authors, reviewers, and readers.

  1. Integrity and Originality:

   - We require authors to submit original works and declare any sources of funding or conflicts of interest that may influence the study's results or conclusions.

   - The publication of plagiarized works or those infringing on the copyright of others will not be accepted.

   - We are committed to protect the confidentiality of submitted works and ensuring that research data is treated ethically and responsibly.

  1. Peer Review Process:

   - Our peer review process is essential to ensure the quality and objectivity of published works.

   - Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and knowledge in the thematic area of the article.

   - We maintain the confidentiality of reviewers and authors during the review process.

  1. Transparency and Disclosure:

   - We provide clear and comprehensive information about our editorial policies, author guidelines, and review process.

   - We promote transparency in the presentation of data, research methods, and statistical analysis.

   - Authors are required to provide appropriate and complete references and cite the work of other researchers correctly.

  1. Conflict of Interest:

   - Authors, reviewers, and editors are required to disclose any conflicts of interest that may bias the review process or interpretation of results.

   - Conflicts of interest may include financial, personal, or institutional relationships that could influence the presented work.

  1. Responsibility and Corrections:

   - We are committed to correcting any errors or inaccuracies in published articles promptly and fairly.

   - We take any allegations of misconduct or fraud seriously and conduct impartial investigations when necessary.

The "Interacción y Perspectiva: Revista de Trabajo Social" journal of the University of Zulia adheres to these ethical principles to promote academic quality and integrity in social work research. We are dedicated to advancing knowledge and contributing to the development of the discipline while respecting copyright and promoting diverse perspectives in the publication of our articles.


The "Interacción y Perspectiva: Revista de Trabajo Social" journal of the University of Zulia has an established process for handling complaints and appeals in a fair and transparent manner. The following describes how these situations will be addressed:

  1. Complaints:

   - If an author, reviewer, or reader has a complaint about any aspect of the publication process, they should contact the journal editor or editorial team through designated channels, such as a specific email address for complaints.

   - The complainant will be asked to provide specific details and relevant evidence to support their claim.

   - The complaint will be objectively and confidentially reviewed by the editor and the corresponding editorial team.

   - Necessary measures will be taken to address and resolve the complaint in a timely and fair manner.

  1. Appeals:

   - If an author or reviewer disagrees with an editorial decision, they may submit a written appeal to the journal editor.

   - The appeal should include a clear and well-founded description of the reasons why the initial editorial decision was considered unfair or incorrect.

   - The appeal will be reviewed by the editor, and if necessary, the opinions of other members of the editorial team or additional reviewers will be sought.

   - A final decision will be made based on the appeal review and communicated to the corresponding author or reviewer.

In both cases, the journal is committed to addressing complaints and appeals impartially and fairly, maintaining the confidentiality of those involved and following established procedures. The goal is to resolve any issues or misunderstandings satisfactorily and uphold the integrity and quality of the publication process.


The "Interacción y Perspectiva: Revista de Trabajo Social" journal of the University of Zulia recognizes the importance of fostering ongoing academic dialogue and correcting any possible errors following publication. The following are some options the journal considers to facilitate these discussions and corrections:

  1. Letters to the Editor:

   - The journal invites authors, reviewers, and readers to submit letters to the editor addressing issues related to published articles.

   - These letters can pose questions, offer additional comments, or raise concerns about the methodology or results of a study.

   - The editor reviews these letters and, if deemed appropriate, publishes responses or additional comments in subsequent issues of the journal.

  1. Corrections and Retractions:

   - If significant errors or ethical issues are identified in a published article, the journal will consider the option of publishing a correction or retraction.

   - Correction is used to rectify minor errors such as typographical errors or errors in references that do not significantly affect the study's findings or conclusions.

   - Retraction is reserved for cases of serious errors or ethical misconduct, such as data fabrication or plagiarism, that invalidate the study's results.

   - Corrections and retractions are implemented following established guidelines and in consultation with the authors, reviewers, and relevant parties involved.

  1. Online Updates:

The journal offers the option of making online updates to published articles. This allows for the correction of minor errors, updating information, or adding additional comments in a later version of the article. These updates will be notified to ensure that readers are aware of the changes made.

It is important to highlight that all these options must follow a rigorous process of review and approval by the editor and the journal's editorial team. Furthermore, clear and transparent communication must be maintained with the authors and readers involved in these post-publication discussions and corrections. This guarantees the integrity and reliability of the journal, as well as the promotion of academic quality and the advancement of knowledge in the field of social work.


The "Interacción y Perspectiva: Revista de Trabajo Social" journal of the University of Zulia has a clear policy on intellectual property that adheres to international principles of copyright and intellectual property protection. The following is a summary of the policy:

Copyright of the Authors:

Authors who submit their work to the journal retain the copyright to their content.

By submitting an article, authors grant the journal the right to publish their work electronically.

Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted material in their work and for properly citing the sources used.

Open Access and Creative Commons License:

The journal adopts an open access policy, meaning that published articles are freely available to readers online.

The journal uses a Creative Commons license to allow for the reuse and distribution of published articles, provided proper credit is given to the original author.

Use of Copyrighted Material:

The journal promotes respect for and compliance with the copyright of third parties.

Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted material in their work, such as images, tables, or text excerpts.

The journal reserves the right to request proof of permissions when necessary.

Plagiarism and Research Misconduct:

The journal has a strict policy against plagiarism and any form of research misconduct.

Checks are conducted to detect cases of plagiarism using specialized tools.

In case of identifying inappropriate behavior, appropriate measures will be taken, such as article retraction or notification to the relevant institutions.