Beyond the facts: Biographical-narrative research and the search for meaning in life experience

  • Claude Pérez Universidad del Zulia Facultad de Humanidades y Educación
  • Mariana Fernández Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago
  • Mairene Tobón Universidad Industrial de Santander
Keywords: Biographical-narrative research, meaning of the narration, meaning of the lived experience


Today, biographical-narrative research has gained relevance and popularity in the Human and Social Sciences where it has managed to apply its own ways to organize and make sense of lived experiences. Hence, this study aims to unveil the relevance of biographical-narrative research to make visible the meaning of human experience. As a methodology, qualitative research was used, with a documentary design, and documentary analysis as a technique. Representative theorists of biographicalnarrative research and/or on the narration such as Jerome Bruner, Paul Ricoeur, Donald Polkinghorne, D. Jean Clandinin and Boris Cyrulnik as well as other authors with significant contributions were consulted. As relevant results we have that at present the biographical-narrative research has become a genuine perspective to build knowledge in the investigation of psycho-social processes, of how people understand and resolve their daily circumstances through the ways in which they live and narrate their personal and collective stories, generating a deep understanding of the logical and subjective framework that It configures a particular reality or social circumstance. 


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How to Cite
Pérez, C., Fernández, M., & Tobón, M. (2024). Beyond the facts: Biographical-narrative research and the search for meaning in life experience. Impacto Científico, 19(1), 165-181. Retrieved from