English proficiency of tenth grade students of the Educational Institutions targeted by the National Bilingualism Program. Ipiales, Colombia

  • Mirtha Zamudio Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencia y Educación Ciencia y Tecnología. Panamá
Keywords: English proficienc, reading comprehension, listening, writing, speaking and grammar


The objective of this research was to diagnose the English proficiency of tenth grade students from educational institutions focused on bilingualism, located in Ipiales, Colombia. The research was descriptive with a contemporary, transectional field design. The population was made up of 89 10th grade students. To collect the data, the survey technique was used through an exam-type questionnaire containing 188 British Council exam-type questions, which measured the students' mastery (performance) in grammar, vocabulary and the four skills: speaking, reading, writing and listening with a validity of 0.88 and a reliability of 0.97. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data, with the median as a measure of central tendency, because the data were
measured at an ordinal level. The findings showed that students cannot communicate effectively in English through the four skills of grammar, reading comprehension, listening skills, writing and speaking.


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How to Cite
Zamudio, M. (2024). English proficiency of tenth grade students of the Educational Institutions targeted by the National Bilingualism Program. Ipiales, Colombia. Impacto Científico, 19(1), 115-145. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/impacto/article/view/42225