Corrosion instructional module: an analysis of the key elements for your learning

  • Lisbeth Cova Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”. Maracaibo, Venezuela
  • Fanny Cárdenas Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”. Maracaibo, Venezuela
  • Oberto Pérez Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”. Maracaibo, Venezuela
Keywords: Instructional modules, Corrosion, Teaching strategies, Teaching-learning


The purpose of the study was to analyze an instructional module as a didactic material that contains all the elements that are necessary for the learning of concepts on the subject of corrosion; based on the theoretical foundation established by the authors: Arias (2016), Vera (2017), Martinez (2021), Tena (2019) and Salazar (2019). From a methodological perspective, it is related to documentary research, of a qualitative type, therefore, it implies collecting information, using a fundamental theory through secondary sources to generate consideration based on the subject under investigation; Its execution allows conceiving it as a key methodology to prepare the didactic material with which the instructional design is created. The final reflections entail evidence that the development of communication skills requires attention and reinforcement, aimed at obtaining continuous improvement to reach its maximum development among the student population. Consequently, the new technologies and teaching-learning strategies need new contexts for the implementation of the modality that has been selected to promote the autonomous learning of the competence.


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How to Cite
Cova, L., Cárdenas, F., & Pérez, O. (2024). Corrosion instructional module: an analysis of the key elements for your learning. Impacto Científico, 19(1), 71-82. Retrieved from