Immediate causes of occurrence of work accidents

  • Yajaira Alvarado Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago
  • Ricardo Espejo Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago
  • Xavier Pirela
Keywords: work accidents;, unsafe acts;, immediate causes of occurrence;, unsafe conditions;, prevention


The present investigation was carried out in companies that carry out fine guaya operations on the Eastern Coast of the Lake, managing to identify the immediate causes of the occurrence of work accidents. For this, an instrument structured by 10 items with a dichotomous scale was constructed, which was validated through expert judgment, and the Kuder and Richardson statistical coefficient was used to calculate its reliability, where a value of 0.87 was obtained. It was found that the companies under study are not managing the prevention of these immediate causes of accidents in an assertive manner, so that the lack of timely prevention of unsafe acts and unsafe conditions affects effective control of these causes that contribute to eliminating


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Author Biography

Yajaira Alvarado, Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago

Editora-Jefe de la Revista Arbitrada Impacto Científico


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How to Cite
Alvarado, Y., Espejo, R., & Pirela, X. (2023). Immediate causes of occurrence of work accidents. Impacto Científico, 18(2), 497-506. Retrieved from