The financial centrifuge of Venezuelan remittances

  • Oscar Ibarra Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Marjorie Ordoñez Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Jessica Caguana Universidad de Guayaquil
Keywords: Migration;, remittances;, change control;, parallel financial intermediation


The migratory project is linked to multiple economic, political, cultural and social factors that generate a series of imaginaries around the immigrant and the migratory process itself. In this perspective, the countries with migratory flows are not always the poorest and least the people who emigrate are the poorest, as well as not always the expectations are related to the labor and salary improvement; they can also be based on social or political and even cultural conditions in the country of origin. In the case of Venezuelan migrations, they respond to particular contexts, both economic in nature and aspirations to maintain living conditions. Within the framework of this migratory process, a mechanism has been created around the Venezuelan remittances that respond to the conditions of the exchange rate in the country. For this reason, it is interesting to investigate the parallel financial intermediation in the countries of the
South on Venezuelan remittances, through a documentary and empirical process on this phenomenon. Venezuelan migration can be studied from the perspective of social reproduction theories. Remittances do not represent an additional income for the country, product of exchange control, which causes the sending of these remittances to arise businesses that stimulate financial centrifugation


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How to Cite
Ibarra, O., Ordoñez, M., & Caguana, J. (2018). The financial centrifuge of Venezuelan remittances. Impacto Científico, 13(2), 261-272. Retrieved from