Educational innovation through the creation of the graduate program: doctorate in education sciences

  • Ana Teresa Prieto Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago
  • María Mármol
  • Carlos García
  • Yajaira Alvarado
Keywords: comprehensive education;, doctorate in educational sciences;, educational system;, technology and humanities


Following the tradition of undergraduate education in the area of knowledge of education sciences, the University of Zulia, specifically the Costa Oriental del Lago Nucleus, offers a Doctorate in Educational Sciences, which is constituted in a program of high academic level. Which seeks to consolidate the processes of comprehensive training of researchers and graduates of the different undergraduate and postgraduate programs of the Costa Oriental del Lago Nucleus, to strengthen both their ability to work in interdisciplinary teams and their faculties for innovation, as well as the permanent application of the knowledge through research. In this way, the Doctorate Program in Educational Sciences is conceived as a continuous process that aims at the integral formation of an individual suitable for the optimal exercise of the teaching profession, as a subject committed to the socio-educational reality Venezuelan before the transition and evolution of the Venezuelan collective of the third millennium. In detail, the program consists of a comprehensive set of policies, guidelines and activities, which aims to train human resources, teachers graduates of fifth level, and other professionals dedicated to teaching activities, which requires the education system to meet to institutional needs. Doctorate studies framed in this orientation specify their purpose within the significant contributions to science, technology and humanities, focusing their particularity on the original contributions of the actors in formation of knowledge creation in the educational field structured in their process of continuous relationships in permanent changes of teaching, learning, curriculum, and interaction with the context where their humanistic and scientific education is determined.


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Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela (1999). Disponible en:

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Reglamento de Estudios para Graduados de la Universidad del Zulia. (2003). Gaceta universitaria. Edición Extraordinaria. Volumen XXXIV.
How to Cite
Prieto, A. T., Mármol, M., García, C., & Alvarado, Y. (2018). Educational innovation through the creation of the graduate program: doctorate in education sciences. Impacto Científico, 13(2), 241-250. Retrieved from