The recreational strategy as a promoter of mathematics learning processes through the use of social networks in two educational institutions in Manizales, Colombia

  • Lina Cardona Universidad Metropolitana de Educación. Ciencia y Tecnología
Keywords: Mathematics learning, playful strategy, social networks, information and communication technologies


This article hopes to show how the design of a playful strategy based on the use
of the social network Facebook by sixth grade students of the Santo Domingo Savio
Educational Institution and Leonardo Da Vinci School of the City of Manizales,
Colombia allows the appropriation of knowledge in the area of mathematics, which
improves the teaching-learning processes. It is based on the ontological assumption
that recognizes the complexity of virtual globalization as an educational resource
that allows, through intentional strategies, to serve as a contribution and support to
traditional pedagogical practices, and thus take advantage of the preference shown,
in this case, by young people. by this type of communicative interaction platforms.
The epistemological approach of the thesis is part of a mixed approach and the
methodological process was supported by the reflective critical paradigm, the method
refers to action research and adopts the type of interactive research. To obtain the data,
the application of techniques such as the survey, observation and focus groups was used.
The results show that students present greater commitments when they are motivated
in their processes and can share what they learn with others. It is concluded that the
proposal of a strategy based on the use of social networks allows greater connection
and interest in those who used the tool compared to those who used the traditional
pedagogical modality. Therefore, it is established that, from an intentional planning
by the teacher and the use of strategies based on social networks, it is possible to have
a closer relationship with the new Information and Communication Technologies,
expanding its use not only to communication activities about the daily activities of
their lives, but also as support and educational complement to learning.


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How to Cite
Cardona, L. (2023). The recreational strategy as a promoter of mathematics learning processes through the use of social networks in two educational institutions in Manizales, Colombia. Impacto Científico, 18(1), 225-250. Retrieved from