Ethical hacking tools as a resource for the detection of vulnerabilities in information systems
The objective of this research is to determine the level of application of ethical
hacking within companies in the City of Cabimas in Zulia State. In order to provide the
necessary theoretical support, the postulates of Astudillo (2013), Benchimol (2011),
Rault and others (2015) were used. The present study was classified as descriptive, with
a non-experimental-transversal design. The population consisted of 22 IT managers,
systems and network administrators from local companies. All subjects were used
as a sample. The technique used for data collection was the survey through a closed
questionnaire with a Likert-type scale of 5 response alternatives, which was subjected
to content validity by expert judgment. Reliability was calculated with Cronbach's
Alpha coefficient, obtaining a value of 0.935, considered highly reliable. Descriptive
statistics were used for data analysis. A high presence was obtained in the use of
ethical hacking tools such as ping sweepers, port scanners, vulnerability analyzers
and Linux distributions (Kali). It was concluded that organizations should promote
the use of these tools to protect their information assets, networks and systems, given
the existence of so-called cybercriminals. Likewise, awareness must be created in the
common citizen to safeguard sensitive information about the services they use.
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Recuperado de:
Rault Raphael,Schalkwijk Laurent, Acissi, Agé Marion, Crocfer Nicolas, Crocfer
Robert, Dumas David, Ebel Frank, Fortunato Guillaume, Hennecart Jérôme,
Lasson Sébastien (2015). Seguridad informática. Hacking ético. Conocer el ataque
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