Application of approaches of educommunication for the transformation of the process teaching learning in the university context
The objective of the research is to propose the application of educommunication
approaches for the transformation of the teaching-learning process, with a quantitative,
projective-type paradigm, applying an instrument with 4 alternative responses to the
students of the Integral Education Program. Professionalization Project Teaching
Headquarters Ojeda city. To carry out the analysis of the results, tables were drawn up
that capture the indicators with their respective alternative answers. As a result, the lack
of knowledge on the part of teachers of the advantages offered by educommunication,
which is understood as a context of cultural change, revolutionary, dialogical, never
ending, dialectical, global, interactive, which makes sense in popular education, is
evident. , where communicators / educators and receivers / students, teach and learn
at the same time, because they are alternatively transmitters and receivers. Finally,
the results lead to design the proposal emphasizing that Educommunication provides
tools that contribute to the transformation of the teaching-learning process.
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