Information and communication technology as a learning process in the context of the National Experimental University "Rafael Maria Baralt"
The objective of the research was to analyze information and communication
technology (ICT) as a learning process in students of the Integral Education Project
(PEI) belonging to the Education Program of the UNERMB -Cabimas. Theoretically,
there were contributions from authors such as: Cabero (2018), National Center for
Information Technology (2015) Urribarri (2017), Miratia (2015), Martinez and Otero
(2015) among others As well as the legal contribution of the Constitution of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1999). Under the line of research Virtual environment
for learning of the postgraduate UNERMB.Methodologically, it was contextualized in
the emperico-analytical paradigm, under a quantitative approach, Analytical typology,
field design, non-experimental, transitional.The population consisted of a sample of 87
subjects (teachers-students) A questionnaire was designed, containing 56 items and 5
alternative responses. The validity was in the opinion of experts in terms of reliability,
the Alpha Cronbach coefficient was applied, yielding results of 0.81. Highly reliable.
Within the techniques of statistics, the interpretation of the mean was taken, designing
tables for it. It is concluded: that information and communication technology (ICTs)
within the context of the university, is not beingassumed as a direct tool for learning;
allowing us to infer that although the planning is being complied with, it is observed
that traditional parameters are maintained, where the application of technology
through its strategic educational diversity does not end up materializing, even
though the UNERMB, has a Moodle platform that could be used to raise educational
technology in the training of teachers and their students. Allowing these results will
generate guidelines for the technological advancement of this university.
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