The technologies and their typology: a study in the plastics processing companies

  • Adolfo Becerra Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago
  • Xavier Pírela Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago
  • Stefanía Rodríguez Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago
Keywords: equipment, machinery, automated systems, software, typology of technologies


The demand for the efficiency and quality of production processes makes it necessary to resort to new technologies, for which it is necessary to monitor the environment as a priority, paying special attention to its typology which, due to its changing nature, is a key factor in competitiveness. of organizations. In this sense, this article aimed to identify the typology of technologies applied in plastic processing companies, through descriptive research, with a non-experimental, transectional and field design. The population was made up of the general managers, operations managers and supervisors of the three plastic processing companies located on the Eastern Coast of the Lake. The data collection technique was the survey using a 12-item questionnaire with a frequency scale, validated through expert judgment and whose reliability was obtained using the Cronbach's Alpha formula, yielding a coefficient of 0.91. The arithmetic mean was used for data processing, which allowed us to conclude that the analyzed companies have a set of machinery, equipment, software and automated systems, which are applied in an orderly manner to achieve the established objectives.


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How to Cite
Becerra, A., Pírela, X., & Rodríguez, S. (2022). The technologies and their typology: a study in the plastics processing companies. Impacto Científico, 17(2), 305-318. Retrieved from