Design of a batch type bioreactor for the production of lactic acid

  • Gustavo Mera Universidad Técnica de Manabí
  • Patricio Reinozo Universidad Técnica de Manabí
  • Yunet Gómez-Salcedo Universidad Técnica de Manabí
  • María Riera
Keywords: Cane bagasse, bioreactor, kinetic parameters, lactic fermentation


The revaluation of agro-industrial waste through efficient and sustainable processes,
is a promising approach for obtaining raw materials and products of industrial interest.
Sugarcane bagasse is one of these residues, whose revaluation through biotechnological
processes generally requires hydrolysis stages as pretreatment. The objective of this
work was to design a batch-type reactor to obtain lactic acid from previously treated
sugarcane bagasse. A bibliographic compilation of the kinetic parameters with
the best adjustment to the characteristics of the process was carried out, as well as
the subsequent simulation and design of a bioreactor for 50 L of the substrate. The
minimum and maximum time required for fermentation according to the simulation
carried out were 36 h and 40 h respectively. The calculated power for the designed
reactor was 19.19 W, and the estimated production of lactic acid for the conditions
studied was 390 L per year. The application of mathematical models turned out to be
an alternative for the estimation of lactic acid production under certain conditions.


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How to Cite
Mera, G., Reinozo, P., Gómez-Salcedo, Y., & Riera, M. (2022). Design of a batch type bioreactor for the production of lactic acid. Impacto Científico, 17(1), 197-211. Retrieved from