Neurolinguistic programming, strategy in the academic performance of university professors

  • Marianny Chirinos Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt
  • Marianny Chirinos Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt
  • Daniela Timaure Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt
Keywords: Neuro-linguistic programming, Strategy, Teaching performance, University


The research aimed to analyze the role of Neurolinguistic Programming as a
strategy in the academic performance of the university professor of the Education
career offered by LUZ Núcleo COL and UNERMB. Theoretically, the research included
the contributions of Argyri (2008), Cudicio (2013), O'Connor and Seymour (2010),
Sambrano (2011), Diaz (2017), UNESCO (2005), Goleman (2013), Grinder and Blender
(2015), Echeverría, (2014), among others. Methodologically, it was contextualized in
the empirical-analytical paradigm, under a quantitative approach, Analytical typology,
field design, non-experimental, transitional. With a population of 105 subjects
(directive-teaching staff), an instrument was designed with five (5) alternatives and
twenty-seven (27) items. The validity of the instrument was through Expert Judgment,
that is, a qualitative condition, interms of reliability, the Alpha Cronbach coefficient
was applied, yielding results of 0.89, cons. Inferential statistics were used. It is
concluded that indeed Neurolinguistic Programming must play a relevant role as a
strategy together with the demands proposed by educational thinking, within a Latin
America, willing to change and energize not only its strategies, but to assert its ideas of
open thinking that contribute to the transformation of individuals through academic
training and their teachers. Likewise, Neurolinguistic Programming, as a strategy, has
not been considered in the context of its planning, understanding that students do
not perceive any stimulus that leads them to acquire new learning with dynamism,
inferring that teachers continue to plan in a traditional way.


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How to Cite
Chirinos, M., Chirinos, M., & Timaure, D. (2022). Neurolinguistic programming, strategy in the academic performance of university professors. Impacto Científico, 17(1), 183-195. Retrieved from