Workflow through IMEX Simulation, for Enhanced Oil Recovery by applying Water- Alternating-Gas (WAG) Injection

  • Sadi Iturralde Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
  • Marllelis Gutiérrez Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
  • Juan Silva Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
  • Ángelo Rodríguez Investigador independiente
Keywords: Recovery factor, Water Alternating Gas (WAG) injection, Workflow, Simulation


The high demand for fossil fuels has made it increasingly necessary to recover the
largest volume of hydrocarbons from the deposits, for this, it is essential to increase the
recovery factor through the application of various techniques. Alternating injection of
water and gas (WAG) been shown to be effective in recovering the remaining oil. The
objective of the study was to develop a workflow under IMEX simulation applied to the
alternating injection of water and gas. We proceeded to the collection of information
for the characterization of the reservoir and fluids present, were built primary and
secondary production models, the model of alternating injection of water and gas. Were
evaluated the recovery factor, water cut-off, average reservoir pressure, oil production
rate and fluid saturation. The workflow generated for the alternating injection of water
and gas is technically effective.


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How to Cite
Iturralde, S., Gutiérrez, M., Silva, J., & Rodríguez, Ángelo. (2022). Workflow through IMEX Simulation, for Enhanced Oil Recovery by applying Water- Alternating-Gas (WAG) Injection. Impacto Científico, 17(1), 151-182. Retrieved from