Educational research: an ethical act

  • Roger Chirinos Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
  • Ronny Chirinos Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL


The article presents the importance of ethics in education; science that seeks to
humanize man, since his acts are carried out in a conscious and free way, without
limiting himself not only to seeing how events take place, but also seeking to
pass judgment on them. The research was classified as descriptive, governed by a
documentary design. The educational activity is not a unilateral act of transmission
of knowledge and knowledge, but a process where the subject himself creates and
recreates the senses of knowledge, which, based on the theory of complexity, invites
us to take an epistemological and philosophical position framed in the teaching
procedures, as a way of giving vital meaning to education, forgetting a little about the
results and transcending towards the processes, where the teacher fulfills the mission
of training students as citizens for society, in the role of guide or counselor.


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How to Cite
Chirinos, R., & Chirinos, R. (2022). Educational research: an ethical act. Impacto Científico, 17(1), 75-87. Retrieved from