Resistance to compressive and wear in concrete pavers

  • Bryan Saraguro Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. Quito-Ecuador
  • Jorge Carrión Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. Quito-Ecuador
  • Hugo Torres Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. Quito-Ecuador
  • Patricio Guerrero Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. Quito-Ecuador
Keywords: Concrete pavers, compressive strength, abrasion wear resistance


The roads are a fundamental axis in the development of the country and represents
a high-cost investment by the government, so it is important to ensure the quality and
useful life of the cobblestones used in road construction, to provide a high degree of
reliability and comfort the cobblestones do not fail to compression because they are
confined to each other. In many countries this test is obsolete and has been replaced by
the indirect tensile test. For this reason, the need arises to find a relationship between
two of the properties of the pavers, to establish a better-quality control based on the
resistance to compression and find values that match the reality of our country. In
this context the compression and wear resistance analysis are performed, looking for
a relationship between them. In this search process, standardized field and laboratory
work was carried out in a population of 57 factories in the city of Quito. The data
obtained were analyzed using statistical methods, validated through a hypothesis
test and significance of the p-value. In the first instance, a very low ratio value was
obtained, therefore, there is no relationship between these tests. For this reason, we
seek to propose a maximum wear value so that it can be taken into account for future


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How to Cite
Saraguro, B., Carrión, J., Torres, H., & Guerrero, P. (2021). Resistance to compressive and wear in concrete pavers. Impacto Científico, 16(2), 481-506. Retrieved from