Teacher training from the constructivist perspective at the initial education level

  • Lilibeth Arrieta Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
  • Juan Silva Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
Keywords: Teacher training, constructivism, initial education


This research purpose was to implement a programme of teacher training from a
constructivist perspective on the level of initial education. The theoretical explanation
was based on trends Díaz and Hernández (2003). Performed according to the
method, a study of experimental type, in the form of quantitative field with a design of
preprueba and postprueba with the random selection of 32 subjects (distributed in the
experimental group 16 and 16 of the control group). Before is given to these groups a
preprueba to verify whether there were differences between them. Obtained data were
processed through the meaning statistics, returns one test ratio t = 1.40 to 30 degrees of
freedom, a depth of probability 0.1 and theoretical t = 1,697, meaning between groups
existed approval. A training programme, consisting of 7 workshops, lasting a total of
56 hours given the experimental group for treatment. This culminated, the postprueba
was applied to both group to verify the results of the experimental treatment results
established a t value = 5.28, for a tt = 1,684 with 31 degrees of freedom. Among one
of the conclusions you can point the teacher training programme executed produced
statistically significant differences between teachers who received comparatively
which were not, so suggests to the initial level, teachers form on the constructivist


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How to Cite
Arrieta, L., & Silva, J. (2021). Teacher training from the constructivist perspective at the initial education level. Impacto Científico, 16(2), 317-345. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/impacto/article/view/37298