Knowledge of the concepts of space and time of the students of grade 10 and 11 in the city of Pasto Colombia

  • Milena Pantoja Universidad Metropolitana de Educación. Ciencia y Tecnología UMECIT
  • Sunny Perozo Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
Keywords: Knowledge, information, understanding, concepts of space and time


Today's society requires citizens who are prepared to take on the challenges of
science and technology. However, today there are deficiencies in the learning of science
and, specifically, physics, because students have difficulty understanding the concepts,
these being basic in the knowledge of any area. Given this concern, this work aims to
describe the knowledge of the concepts of space and time in middle school students
from five schools in the city of Pasto in Colombia, handling a sample of 59 young
people and five teachers. The research is developed under the holistic understanding
of science, through descriptive research with a one-event contemporary transectional
field design. To obtain the data, a knowledge guide was applied to the students that
was validated according to the judgment of experts, obtaining a value of 0.80 and
a reliability by Cronbach's alpha of 0.77. For the analysis of the results, descriptive
statistics were used, specifically the frequency and the median as a measure of central
tendency, since the data did not correspond to the normal curve. As a conclusion,
it is obtained that the students have a daily knowledge of the two concepts, learned
mechanically and by rote, which allows them to solve some physics problems in the
same way.


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How to Cite
Pantoja, M., & Perozo, S. (2021). Knowledge of the concepts of space and time of the students of grade 10 and 11 in the city of Pasto Colombia. Impacto Científico, 16(2), 293-315. Retrieved from