Postgraduate training in innovation management
The Postgraduate and Research Coordination, committed to the mission and vision
of the East Coast Lake Nucleus of the University of Zulia, in the training of avant-garde
professionals capable of addressing and responding to the needs of the environment,
offers the Master's Degree in Management of the Innovation, which is constituted in a
program of high scientific and academic level, whose purpose is the integral formation
of experts that contribute to the competitive development in the productive, educational
and research sectors; allowing to strengthen the management in the area of science
and technology in centers and institutes, universities, public and private institutions.
The program is structured into thirty-six (36) credit units, distributed as follows: 18
credit units for compulsory subjects, 8 credit units for seminars, 4 credit units for
electives and 6 credit units for degree work according to Article 23 of the Postgraduate
Regulations. Through the study plan, we aspire to achieve excellence in the training of
a professional capable of generating innovation, in any of its manifestations, with the
capacity to respond to a dynamic and increasingly complex environment, in which the
the need to improve the effectiveness, effectiveness and efficiency in the communities
and in their organizations, through the adequate management of techno science, so
that, as a consequence, the strengths and opportunities are exploited, transforming
them later into competitive advantages; executing actions to solve the weaknesses and
threats of local science and technology through innovation.
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Escorsa, C y Valls, J (2001). Tecnología e innovación en la empresa. Ediciones UPC.
Disponible en:
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Hamel, G. (2000). Liderando la Revolución. Gestión 2000. España.
Knowles, M; Elwood, F; Swanson, R. (2001). Andragogía: El aprendizaje de los
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Ribeiro, L. (1997). El Éxito Empresarial: Cómo Inventar el Futuro para Redefinir
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XXI: visión y acción. Disponible en: