Efficiency in the implementation of a bilingual intercultural education program in the preschool area
Interculturality is characterized by being a dynamic process of evolutionary
relationships between different cultural groups, this is how the issue of bilingual
intercultural education in Chile has been a permanent discussion in recent decades,
this is largely due to the fact that the educational policies at a global level that have
directly targeted concepts such as equity at a general level in the education area, with an
emphasis on the vindication of the indigenous peoples of Chile. From this perspective,
in this research a concise assessment was made of what are the implementations
and concrete actions that are being carried out in the preschool area around the
intercultural bilingual theme. The research was developed under the qualitative
paradigm, an ethnographic method within the framework of descriptive analysis
through data collection tools that allow a qualitative view of the processes of selection
and transmission of intercultural content, while using different observation methods
in joint with intentional - interventions that seek to deepen the information gathered
in the first instance through instruments such as formal and informal interviews. The
existence of different opportunity factors is manifested to promote the relationship and
negotiation between conditions of respect, legitimacy, symmetry, equity and equality,
in a diverse and inclusive reality.
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