Emotional intelligence and its relationship in the business context

  • Alicia Enríquez Cuadro
  • Elvis Aldaz Enríquez
  • Ernesto Cadena Álvarez
Keywords: Emotional intelligence;, human resources;, business context


Emotional intelligence is a balance of control and regulator of one's own feelings,
and those of others, which allows the individual to think, rethink and act, extending
to managerial work. However, many managers are still not very familiar with these
theories. Hence, this article is presented as a documentary study whose purpose is
to analyze from a holistic approach the emotional intelligence related and directed to
human resources that in the current times of constant dynamics of change, constitute
part of the organizations, to which these elementary knowledge can be useful. To this
end, the theories put forward by various authors were contrasted, such as: Goleman
(1995) and Sternberg (1998). It is concluded that emotional aptitude is important in
the management of human resources within the business context, a role whose essence
is to get others to perform their respective jobs more effectively.


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How to Cite
Enríquez Cuadro, A., Aldaz Enríquez, E., & Cadena Álvarez, E. (2021). Emotional intelligence and its relationship in the business context. Impacto Científico, 16(1), 131-139. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/impacto/article/view/35999