Modeling of masonry in the behavior of a reinforced concrete building

  • Carlos Romero
  • Nelson López
Keywords: Masonry;, earthquake resistant behavior;, reinforced concrete;, Cypecad


The current design of the buildings is based on theoretical models that contemplate
only the resistant structural elements. Enclosures and partitions in buildings are
considered as non-structural elements. However, in the presence of an earthquake,
they provide stiffness by modifying the magnitude and distribution of efforts. A more
detailed analysis should consider the interaction of the masonry to consider the
current structure behavior. The objective of this research was to synthetically develop
a resistant earthquake analysis of a reinforced concrete building using Cypecad
software, based on two theoretical models; the first one considers only the resistant
elements; the other considers the interaction of the masonry non-structural with the
building, using the Liauw & Kwan's mathematical model to calculate of the properties
equivalent diagonal width (compression rod). The results obtained must be; The shear
on the soft floor level is increased by an average of 21.5% according to the analysis
directions "X" and "Y". The drift in the soft floor level increases 5.25%, with respect
to the building considered with only resistant elements. The fundamental vibration
period of the structure with the interaction of the uncracked masonry decreases by
approximately 40% in contrast with the value obtained in the building considered with
only resistant elements.


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How to Cite
Romero, C., & López, N. (2021). Modeling of masonry in the behavior of a reinforced concrete building. Impacto Científico, 16(1), 99-116. Retrieved from