Strategies for the learning of databases in university teachers

  • Luisa Serra Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
  • Alfredo Díaz
  • Ana Teresa González
  • Joseabel Cegarra
Keywords: Strategies, learning, databases


The purpose of the research was to analyze strategies for the learning of databases in university teachers, using Díaz and Hernández (2010), Pimienta (2012) and González
and others (2009) as the authors. The study was of analytical and field type, with no experimental-transectional design. For the data collection, a (01) questionnaire was
applied, structured by 15 items with a Líkert type scale. He measured the strategies for learning used by 10 teachers in the database area to describe their characteristics
in three university institutions in the city of Cabimas. It was validated by five (05) experts, its reliability was estimated using the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, resulting
in 0.92, that is, it was highly reliable. For the analysis of data, descriptive statistics was used, represented by the arithmetic mean of each strategy, namely, testing,
elaboration, organization, understanding and support. Once they were obtained, the respective comparison was carried out with the theories, and according to the results, the studied variable was located in a moderate presence. It is suggested that teachers should reinforce the application of the same, linking them with ICT in order to train relevant future computer professionals.


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How to Cite
Serra, L., Díaz, A., González, A. T., & Cegarra, J. (2021). Strategies for the learning of databases in university teachers. Impacto Científico, 13(1), 113-127. Retrieved from