Strategic Planning In The Postgraduate Courses Of The public University Institutions Of Theeast Coast Of The Lake

  • Yajaira Alvarado Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
  • Anmi Petit
  • Xavier Pírela
Keywords: Strategic planning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, strategy evaluation


The article is part of a larger scope of research, in which strategic planning was analyzed in the postgraduate courses of the public university institutions of the East
Coast of the Lake; that is why, in this article, the stages are characterized as a dimension of the strategic planning of these institutions. The study was carried out under
descriptive methodology, with no experimental, field and transectional design, based on authors such as: David (2008), Garrido (2006), Thompson and Strickland (2007),
Serna (2008) among others. The population consisted of three (03) public university institutions of the East Coast of the Lake, namely: University of Zulia Nucleus COL,
National Experimental University Rafael MaríaBaralt and the Cabimas University Institute. The applied instrument was a closed questionnaire of 33 items with a frequency
scale; the expert judgment was used for the validity and the Alfa Cronbach coefficient for reliability, obtaining a value of 0.985. The arithmetic mean were used for the analysis  of the results. It was concluded that in the analyzed institutions the formulation, execution and evaluation of strategies are combined to determine the way to plan their future.


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How to Cite
Alvarado, Y., Petit, A., & Pírela, X. (2021). Strategic Planning In The Postgraduate Courses Of The public University Institutions Of Theeast Coast Of The Lake. Impacto Científico, 13(1), 11-28. Retrieved from