Permanent training of the teacher for the development of significant learning strategies at the level of initial education

  • Lilibeth Arrieta Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
  • Juan Silva
Keywords: Training, strategies, significant learning, initial education


This research was raised as a purpose to identify the types of training that has the teaching of initial education. The study is descriptive not experimental and cross design. The population was comprised of 18 teachers of preschoolers of the parish Ambrose of the municipality Cabimas, taking them as a population census. An instrument FOPE with 38 items and four response alternatives was used for data collection (always, almost always, almost never and never), being validated by three experts. A pilot
study a10 teachers was conducted to measure its reliability using Cronbach Alpha getting a result of 0.90 for the FOPE. The technique of data analysis was the frequency distribution reaching as results study institutions not considered in depth the activities of conceptual, reflective and practical training for the teacher training.


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How to Cite
Arrieta, L., & Silva, J. (2021). Permanent training of the teacher for the development of significant learning strategies at the level of initial education. Impacto Científico, 12(2), 203-224. Retrieved from