Lungs and blood oxygenation; Mathematical modeling

  • Sandy Sánchez Domı́nguez Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences, University of Oriente.
  • Maikel Menéndez Castillo Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences, University of Oriente
  • Antonio Iván Ruiz Chaveco University of the State of Amazonas
  • Rainey Ferreira Do Nascimento University of the State of Amazonas
  • Oliveira Oliveira University of the State of Amazonas
  • Leide Maria Leão Federal University of Amazonas
  • Vandresa Souza Federal University of Rı́o Grande do Norte
  • Paola Lima Franca Federal University of Juiz de Fora
  • Mariano Lacortt Federal Institute of Rı́o Grande do Sul
  • Fabiana Andrade Federal University of Rı́o de Janeiro
Keywords: Lung, qualitative study, mathematical model, breathing


In this article, a general study is made about the lungs, their characteristics, their main function, detailing some aspects of the respiratory process; the main pulmonary diseases are indicated and how to prevent them. A model is made by means of a system of differential equations that simulates the blood oxygenation process, a qualitative study is made, and conclusions are given regarding the functioning in a healthy person; in the critical case of a
zero and a negative eigenvalue, the system is reduced to the quasi-normal form to facilitate qualitative study.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Domı́nguezS., Menéndez Castillo, M., Ruiz Chaveco, A. I., Ferreira Do Nascimento, R., Oliveira, O., Leão, L. M., Souza, V., Lima Franca, P., Lacortt, M., & Andrade, F. (2020). Lungs and blood oxygenation; Mathematical modeling. Divulgaciones Matemáticas, 21(1-2), 47-53. Retrieved from

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