Media clips on social fear to regulate individual behavior in temporary involuntary isolation (quarantine)

  • Tatyana A. Olkhovaya Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia.
  • Elena A. Sorokoumova Moscow Pedagogical State University
  • Nikolai A. Mashkin Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Tatyana S. Vinogradova Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • Jhanna I. Aytuganova Kazan State Power Engineering, Kazan, Russia
  • Igor V. Romanov Russian State Social University
  • Evgeniya V. Gots Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
  • Irina R. Pozdnyakova Gzhel State University, Elektroizolyator, Russia.
Palabras clave: social fear, social advertising, Media clips, COVID-19 pandemic, self-isolation.


The objective of the research was to study the manifestation of the emotion of fear in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and to determine the details of its application in the clips of social networks. As a research method, the authors used the questionnaire survey to collect primary information. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that the phenomenon of social fear in temporary forced isolation is investigated. For the first time, it is discovered that the overall goal of social media videos affecting the emotion of fear is to create a common problem that forces potential viewers to choose self-isolation. It is concluded that the analysis of the clips from social networks revealed four main directions to position the emotion of fear: fear associated with a direct threat to the life activity of individuals; fear caused by unforeseen situations; fear associated with situations that can be harmful to health; fear associated with non-conformity with certain values and norms accepted in society, with the fear of differing from established standards and benchmarks.


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Biografía del autor/a

Tatyana A. Olkhovaya, Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia.
Doctor of Education, Professor, Vice Rector on Educational Activity, Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia. 
Elena A. Sorokoumova, Moscow Pedagogical State University
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Labor Psychology and Psychological Counseling, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russia.
Nikolai A. Mashkin, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of State Law and Criminal Law Disciplines, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia.
Tatyana S. Vinogradova, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence, Intellectual Property and Forensic Expertise, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia.
Jhanna I. Aytuganova, Kazan State Power Engineering, Kazan, Russia
PhD in Education, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Kazan State Power Engineering, Kazan, Russia.
Igor V. Romanov, Russian State Social University
PhD in Psychology, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Management, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.
Evgeniya V. Gots, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Transport Law, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia.
Irina R. Pozdnyakova, Gzhel State University, Elektroizolyator, Russia.
PhD in Education, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Education, Gzhel State University, Elektroizolyator, Russia.


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Cómo citar
Olkhovaya, T. A., Sorokoumova, E. A., Mashkin, N. A., Vinogradova, T. S., Aytuganova, J. I., Romanov, I. V., Gots, E. V., & Pozdnyakova, I. R. (2020). Media clips on social fear to regulate individual behavior in temporary involuntary isolation (quarantine). Cuestiones Políticas, 38(66), 73-84. Recuperado a partir de