Avaliac ío da popula í§ ío de protozoários ciliados no rúmen, retículo e omaso e do trato digestivo em búfalos alimentados em três níveis de energia

  • Raul Franzolinl Universidade de S ío Paulo-Brasil
  • Maria Helena Tieghi Franzolin Universidade de S ío Paulo-Brasil
  • Juliano Roberto da Silva Universidade de S ío Paulo-Brasil


Three groups of six buffalo males each were fed on three energy levels: LE (Low Energy), RE (Required Energy) and HE (High Energy) in feedlot for around 140 days. RE was calculated with 125 Kcal ME/ kg 0.75 to maintenance; LE with 20% below and HE with 20% above, estimating a gain weight of 800 g/d. Gi-ass hay was used as roughage; the concentrate was a mixture of grain corn ground and soybean meal and composed 39.8% (LE), 48,5% (RE) and 58,1% (AE). Average slaughter body weight was 449 kg and samples of contents from rumen, reticulum and omasum were collected to protozoology study. Daily average dry matter intake was 92.1 g/kg 0.5 and estimated energy intake (Kcal/kg 0.75) were 201,23 (LE), 223,32 (RE) and 241,20 (HE). There was difference (P<0,05) only in weight of omasum contents between the treatments that was lower in HE. Total protozoa concentration was similar in the rumen and reticulum (mean 76,27 x 10 4/mL) and low in the omasum (9,64 x 10 4/mL). Diplodiniinae species was predominant in LE and RE and Entodinium in HE. The average proportion Entodinium: Diplodiniinae in reticulo-rumen were 0,83 (LE and RE) and 2,53 (HE) and in omasum 0,48 (LE and RE) and 1,53 (HE).


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How to Cite
Franzolinl, R., Tieghi Franzolin, M. H., & da Silva, J. R. (2011). Avaliac ío da popula í§ ío de protozoários ciliados no rúmen, retículo e omaso e do trato digestivo em búfalos alimentados em três níveis de energia. Revista De La Facultad De Agronomía De La Universidad Del Zulia, 15(1). Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/agronomia/article/view/26178
Simposium: Microbiología ruminal