Pensamiento sensible, convivencia y el impulso revolucionario de amar

  • Elaine PADILLA University of La Verne, in La Verne, California
Palabras clave: agosnim, love, convivencia, amor, agonismo, epistemología, tecnocracia


Este ensayo ubica el concepto de sentido pensante o sensible “thought” dentro de los recientes acontecimientos históricos de la pandemia de coronavirus para plantear la pregunta sobre los sistemas de producción de la epistemología. Invita al lector, ante la insistencia de Raúl Fornet Betancourt, a indagar con incisividad en nuestra actual realidad enmascarada de consentimiento fabricado, a cultivar la convivencia, y a abrir espacio a una trinchera de ideas para el florecimiento de un amor revolucionario en nuestro tiempo.

Biografía del autor/a

Elaine PADILLA, University of La Verne, in La Verne, California

Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Latinx/Latin American Studies. Padilla constructively interweaves current philosophical discourse with Christianity, Latin American and Latino/a religious thought, ecology, gender, and race. She is the author of Divine Enjoyment: A Theology of Passion and Exuberance published by Fordham University Press (2015), and co-editor of a three-volume project with Peter C. Phan, Theology and Migration in World Christianity published by Palgrave MacMillan:Contemporary Issues of Migration and Theology (2013), Theology of Migration in the Abrahamic Religions(2014), and Christianities in Migration: The Global Perspective (2015). She has also published numerous articles and chapters, and is currently drafting a manuscript provisionally titled, The Darkness of Being, in which she explores views on the soul and interiority with implications for race and gender. She is a member of the American Academy of Religion and of the Catholic Theological Society of America.


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Cómo citar
PADILLA, E. (2022). Pensamiento sensible, convivencia y el impulso revolucionario de amar. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 27(99), e7110457. Recuperado a partir de