Communist University of Eastern Toilers to Transform the Consciousness of Kazakh Women

  • Kopzhasar ZHETYBAYEV Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Kazakhstan
  • Yerzhan PAZILOV South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, Kazakhstan
  • Lazzat DINASHEVA Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Kazakhstan
  • Bakytzhan NURKHANOV Azret Sultan State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum, Kazakhstan
Palabras clave: Universidad comunista de trabajadoras del este, mujeres kazajas, institución soviética, reforma. / Communist university of eastern toilers, kazakh women, soviet institution, reform.



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La tarea de este artículo es revelar los cambios en el carácter de las mujeres en la era post-soviética, el trabajo considera particularmente el papel de instituciones socialistas prominentes, particularmente la Universidad comunista de trabajadoras del este (KUTV) y sus aspectos socioeconómicos, culturales e influencia política en las mujeres kazajas. Este artículo examina principalmente las actividades de una institución socialista principal, "Universidad comunista de trabajadoras del este" en una categoría específica de personas "mujeres kazajas". El análisis presentado por el autor ofrece a los lectores una comprensión clara de cómo funcionan las universidades y la importancia que tuvo y sigue teniendo para las mujeres kazajas.



The task of this article is to disclose the changes in character of women in the post-soviet era, the work particularly considers the role of prominent socialist institutions, particularly the Communist university of eastern toilers (KUTV) and its socio-economic, cultural and political influence on Kazakh women. This article principally examines the activities of one main socialist institution, “Communist university of eastern toilers” on a specific category of people “kazakh women”. The analysis presented by the author gives readers a clear understanding of how the universities operated and the significance it had and continues to have on kazakh women.



Biografía del autor/a

Kopzhasar ZHETYBAYEV, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Kazakhstan
The author of over 30 scientific articles. In addition, with the participation of the author, 3 archival documents on the role of Kazakh women of the Soviet period in society were found and introduced into scientific circulation.
Yerzhan PAZILOV, South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, Kazakhstan
The author of about 30 scientific articles. The author of 3 monographs and study guides. The author led 2 research projects on the history of Central Asia.
Lazzat DINASHEVA, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Kazakhstan
The author of over 50 scientific articles, 5 of them in rating journals with Impact Factor coefficient. Author of 5 monographs and manuals. Led various scientific projects to study the history of post-Soviet countries
Bakytzhan NURKHANOV, Azret Sultan State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum, Kazakhstan
The author of about 20 scientific articles. Author of 2 monographs and a course of lectures. The object of scientific research is ethnology of the peoples of Central Asia.


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Cómo citar
ZHETYBAYEV, K., PAZILOV, Y., DINASHEVA, L., & NURKHANOV, B. (2020). Communist University of Eastern Toilers to Transform the Consciousness of Kazakh Women. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 31-38. Recuperado a partir de
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