Development of Intercultural Competence of Economy Undergraduate Students

  • Olga Andreevna BEZUGLOVA Kazan Federal University, Russia
  • Liliya Galievna ILYASOVA Kazan Federal University, Russia
  • Alina Fasirovna NIGMATULLINA Mississippi Valley State University, Itta Bena, MS United States
Palabras clave: Cooperation, intercultural competence, practice-oriented classes, project method, undergraduate students. / Clases prácticas, competencia intercultural, cooperación, estudiantes de pregrado, método de proyecto.




This article deals with the project method as one of the most effective forms of providing students with skills and abilities that contribute to well-constructed behavior in a situation of intercultural communication based on the use of a foreign language. An active search for relevant tools for the formation of intercultural competencies leads educators to the understanding that students need group, game, role, practice-oriented, problematic, reflective and other forms and methods of teaching. Finally, the project based method as an effective way of developing intercultural competence, is presented in the article from the perspectives of economy undergraduate students.



Este artículo aborda el método del proyecto como una de las formas más efectivas de proporcionar a los estudiantes habilidades y destrezas que contribuyen a un comportamiento bien construido en una situación de comunicación intercultural basada en el uso de un idioma extranjero. Una búsqueda activa de herramientas relevantes para la formación de competencias interculturales lleva a los educadores a comprender que los estudiantes necesitan formas y métodos de enseñanza grupales, de juego, de rol, orientados a la práctica, problemáticos, reflexivos y de otro tipo. Finalmente, el método basado en proyectos como una forma efectiva de desarrollar la competencia intercultural, se presenta en el artículo desde las perspectivas de los estudiantes de pregrado que se especializan en economía.

Biografía del autor/a

Olga Andreevna BEZUGLOVA, Kazan Federal University, Russia

born in 1990. In 2013 she graduated from the Institute of Philology and Arts of KFU, direction: Linguistics. Qualification: Master. Theme of the master's thesis: "Juridical terms in English detective novels and tendencies of their translation." Senior Lecturer, Department of Language and Intercultural Communication, IFMK, KFU. Research interests: English teaching methodology, EFL (English as a foreign language), translation theory and practice, comparative linguistics.

Liliya Galievna ILYASOVA, Kazan Federal University, Russia
born in 1978. In 2017 she graduated from the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication. Leo Tolstoy, KFU, specialization: Pedagogical education, Teaching English in secondary and higher education. Qualification: Master. The theme of the master's thesis: "The difficulty of the text as the basis for the formation of reading skills on the material of educational English texts." Senior Lecturer, Department of Language and Intercultural Communication, IFMK KFU. Research interests: English teaching methodology, pedagogy, EFL (English as a foreign language), linguistics.
Alina Fasirovna NIGMATULLINA, Mississippi Valley State University, Itta Bena, MS United States
1993 year of birth. In 2017 she graduated from the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication. Leo Tolstoy, KFU, specialization: Pedagogical education, Teaching English in secondary and higher education. Qualification: Master. Theme of the master's thesis: "The formation of intercultural competence of students-economists in the process of teaching a foreign language in the educational space of the university". Fulbright (foreign language teaching assistant), foreign language teacher, Department of English and Foreign Languages, College of Arts and Science, Mississippi Valley State University of Mississippi (Mississippi Valley State University United States), USA. Research interests: EFL (English as a foreign language), methods of teaching English, bilingual education, intercultural communication.


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Cómo citar
BEZUGLOVA, O. A., ILYASOVA, L. G., & NIGMATULLINA, A. F. (2020). Development of Intercultural Competence of Economy Undergraduate Students. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 362-368. Recuperado a partir de