Test Control in the Process of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language

  • O.V. STAROSTINA Kazan Federal University
  • G.V. CHUMAKOVA Kazan Federal University
  • S.M. PETROVA North-Еastern Federal University (NEFU)
Palabras clave: Communicative competence, russian as a foreign language, test control, typical mistakes. / Competencia comunicativa, control de pruebas, errores típicos, ruso como lengua extranjera.




The article is devoted to the problems of studying the functions of test control, the role of results studies in the adjustment of training content. The information processing work based on the results of testing helps to identify both universal difficulties and lexical-grammatical and speech material. The study aimed to find out the relation between the results of comparative linguistic analysis, the systematization of mistakes in testing, and the achievement of the main purpose of training. It is concluded that the test control always has a training character in the broad sense of the term.



El artículo está dedicado a los problemas de estudiar las funciones del control de pruebas, el papel de los estudios de resultados y el ajuste del contenido de la capacitación. El trabajo de procesamiento de información basado en los resultados de las pruebas ayuda a identificar dificultades universales y léxico-gramaticales. El objetivo del estudio fue descubrir la relación entre los resultados del análisis lingüístico comparativo, la sistematización de errores en las pruebas y el logro del objetivo principal de la capacitación. Se concluye que el control de prueba siempre tiene un carácter de entrenamiento en el sentido amplio del término.

Biografía del autor/a

O.V. STAROSTINA, Kazan Federal University
Olga Vyacheslavovna Starostina, Born in 1984. K. Phil. In 2006 she graduated from the philological faculty of KSU named after IN AND. Ulyanov-Lenin. Specialty: Philologist, teacher. Qualification: Teacher of Russian language and literature. She defended her thesis “The Functioning of LSG Water Units in Silver Age Poetry” in 2017. Senior Lecturer, Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, IFMK, KFU. Research interests: lexicology, semantics, Russian as a foreign language.
G.V. CHUMAKOVA, Kazan Federal University
Galina Valentinovna Chumakova, Born in 1959. In 1982 she graduated from the faculty of foreign languages of KSPU. Specialty: English, German. Qualification: Teacher of English, German. Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanities, Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Students, KFU. Research interests: a typology of languages, Russian as a foreign language, translation problems, technology.
S.M. PETROVA, North-Еastern Federal University (NEFU)
Svetlana Maksimovna Petrova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences In 1967 she graduated from Yakutsk State University, Specialty: Philologist. Qualification: Teacher of Russian language and literature. She defended her doctoral dissertation “Interconnected study of Russian, native, foreign literature in the Yakut school” in 1996. Professor, Head of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, NEFU M.K. Amosova. Research interests: Features of the study of foreign literature in a national school; Actual problems of the interrelated study of literature in high school and school; problems of vocational training of a language teacher at a national university; the place of literature in the system of teaching Russian as a foreign language; graphic-symbolic analysis of a work of art in high school and school as innovative educational technology.


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Cómo citar
STAROSTINA, O., CHUMAKOVA, G., & PETROVA, S. (2020). Test Control in the Process of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 231-236. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/utopia/article/view/33693