Mediating effect of customer perceive value on experience quality and loyalty relationship

  • TUNDUNG SUBALI PATMA State Polytechnic of Malang, Indonesia
  • ANDRIANI KUSUMAWATI Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • HANIF MAULUDIN Malangkucecwara School of Economic. Indonesia
  • ACHMAD ZAINI State Polytechnic of Malang, Indonesia
Palabras clave: Customer loyalty, customer perceived value, experience quality, outdoor coffee shop. / Cafetería al aire libre, calidad de la experiencia, lealtad del cliente, valor percibido por el cliente.




This research is a quantitative approach to explanatory research. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire and analyzed using the equations of structural equation modeling (SEM)-based partial least square (PLS). The sample of this research totaled 168 respondents based on predetermined criteria. This research study is based on the theory of contribution understanding and management of outdoor coffee shops.  The results of this research indicate directly experience the quality effect on customer perceived value and customer loyalty. The research indicates that the customer perceived value does not provide mediation between the effects of variable quality experience with customer loyalty.



Esta investigación es un enfoque cuantitativo para la investigación explicativa. La encuesta se realizó mediante un cuestionario y se analizó utilizando las ecuaciones del mínimo cuadrado parcial (PLS) basado en el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). La muestra de esta investigación totalizó 168 encuestados con base en criterios predeterminados. Este estudio de investigación es sobre la teoría de la comprensión de la contribución y la gestión de la cafetería. Los resultados de esta investigación indican la experiencia directa del efecto de calidad en el valor percibido y la lealtad del cliente. La investigación indica que el valor percibido por el cliente no proporciona mediación entre los efectos de la experiencia de calidad variable con la lealtad del cliente.

Biografía del autor/a

TUNDUNG SUBALI PATMA, State Polytechnic of Malang, Indonesia
Tundung is a Lecturer of Malang State Polytechnic, Indonesia from 1978. In 1980 continued his studies in the Bachelor program in the Electrical Engineering Department, Brawijaya University Malang graduated in 1986. In 1998 graduated from the Master's Program in the Electrical Engineering Department, Bandung Institute of Technology. Experience in the structural field, having served as Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering in Malang State Polytechnic from 1999-2003 and 2007-2009. He was Director of Malang State Polytechnic 2009-2013 and 2013-2018, now serves as head of the Malang state polytechnic senate.
ANDRIANI KUSUMAWATI, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
Kusumawati is a Lecturer of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences Brawijaya University, Indonesia. From 2002 to present is an Associate Professor in the Business Administration Department at the University of Wollongong. 2009-03-01 to 2013-12-17 received a Doctoral degree in Business Administration at Sydney Business School.
HANIF MAULUDIN, Malangkucecwara School of Economic. Indonesia

Hanif is a Lecturer of Malangkucecwara School of Economic. Indonesia. In 1997 continued his studies in the Bachelor program in the Malangkucecwara School of Economic. In 1999 graduated from the Master's Program and 2014 graduated Doctoral degree in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences Brawijaya University, Indonesia. Hanif also active as an entrepreneurial speaker in Indonesia.

ACHMAD ZAINI, State Polytechnic of Malang, Indonesia
Zaini is a Lecturer of Malang State Polytechnic. Indonesia. In 1997 graduated barchelor progams, In 1999 graduated from the Master's Program and 2014 graduated Doctoral degree in the Faculty of Economy and Business Brawijaya University, Indonesia. Zaini also won the best graduate award certificate when completing his studies.


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Cómo citar
SUBALI PATMA, T., KUSUMAWATI, A., MAULUDIN, H., & ZAINI, A. (2020). Mediating effect of customer perceive value on experience quality and loyalty relationship. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 25(1), 524-536. Recuperado a partir de